


sooo.. i made another video. And i'm really not sure how long I'll leave it online because im super anxious with me talking shit to camera (that's why i didnt even put subtitles this time). I'm just not made for camera. if you watched my Berlin vlog, you know that I only like filming, maybe editing. but definitely not talking. 

But on this italian trip i didnt have Teri with me (my spokesperson!) and Suzee is even more weird when it comes to talking (with camera). So I did my job, but it's just one big meh from me. 

Let's hope that Venice vlog will be better than this. :D 



VENICE | Photodiary


After Berlin and Padua the only left is Venice and all #KarelTrip2 photodiaries are online! Still feels little bit surreal how much you can do in only a week. way too many feelings. but as I promised I'll make a proper post later.

Venice is exactly what I expected to be. but at the same time not at all and totally different.
I've never been in a city like Venice but I'd lie if I say I dont like it here. Walking around the city in an November fog was magical and the view was very different from pictures on pinterest (lol). We stayed one whole day and honestly it was enough for me. we saw everything we wanted. and even tho i liked the city i dont have any special desire to come back asap. 

Po Berlíně a Padově už zbývají jen Benátky a tím jsou photodiary z #KarelTripu2 uzavřené. 
Benátky jsou přesně takové, jako jsme si představovala. A zároveň uplně jiné. 
Je to zvláštní město. Rozhodně se mi tam líbilo, lhala bych, kdybych řekla, že courat se tam v té mlze nebylo magické. Na druhou stranu to je jedno z těch měst, které ač se vám líbí, tak si nejste jistí, jestli byste se tam ještě chtěli podívat. My tam byly jeden den, prochodily jsme boty, ale viděly jsme asi vše, co nám Benátky můžou nabídnout. A už nemám žádnou zvláštní potřebu se tam vracet a vidět to znovu. Uvídíme za pár let.. 

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