sooo.. i made another video. And i'm really not sure how long I'll leave it online because im super anxious with me talking shit to camera (that's why i didnt even put subtitles this time). I'm just not made for camera. if you watched my Berlin vlog, you know that I only like filming, maybe editing. but definitely not talking.
But on this italian trip i didnt have Teri with me (my spokesperson!) and Suzee is even more weird when it comes to talking (with camera). So I did my job, but it's just one big meh from me.
Let's hope that Venice vlog will be better than this. :D
2 komentářů
Náhodou Veru, mě se to zdá super! Nikomu se nelíbí vlastní hlas ze záznamu a nikdo se nerad pozoruje na videu, tak to prostě je. Ale já za sebe musím říct, že vloguješ jak profesionál! :)
OdpovědětVymazathaha, dekuju moc. :) kazdopadne, tohle je hands down nejhorsi video, co jsem kdy vytvorila :D